Our home remodel has lately been taking a huge toll on my blogging and I definitely have been slacking more than usual. We finally moved into our new house a few weeks back {which by the way doesn't necessarily mean we are anywhere close to being done with the remodel} We still have so much left to do, but it's definitely starting to at least feel somewhat like a home now.
Our kitchen is the closest to being done at this point, with only the 1. backsplash 2. knobs & handles 3. vent hood and 4. built-in banquet left to do ... we are at least 80% done at this point or so it seems. I'm waiting for a good sunny day to take updated pictures and will post as soon as possible!
On another note, last week we went on a much needed vacation to Los Angeles ... nothing particularly special planned, just a week of beach football, tanning, and eating out!
and the fun continued with a large dose of antique shopping ... I went a little crazy with the accessories and bought this adorable vintage gold-rimmed mirror platter to display all of my perfumes on
I really wasn't too sure about these lamps when I first spotted them... but at only $7 a piece, I couldn't pass these lovelies up ... Navy blue makes my heart flutter & with a pair of new drum lampshades these babies will sparkle in no time!
Some additional vintage finds and a couple of not-so-antique accessories found at an awesome lamp store!
Now on to some of the bigger finds ... & by bigger I really do mean BIGGER .. .big enough to have to rent a Uhaul truck and drive it all of the way from LA to Sacramento
I'm mostly referring to this amazing Victorian mantel we found on Craigslist which I absolutely had to have despite the additional $350 we had to pay in hauling fees just to get it home! It's not in perfect condition since it was originally removed from an older Victorian home, but with a few touch-ups from a pro it will be restored to its original glory!
I purchased this unique Lucite X base console from a local LA interior decorator {also off Craigslist} ... he had an amazing home full of beautifully unique furniture and accessories!
And finally my last Craigslist purchase of the week was a pair of early 1920s or 30s antique armchairs! The frame itself is in excellent condition, but the upholstering can definitely use a little help! I have big plans for these chairs once I actually settle on a pattern and color.
And that was the end of my relaxing vacation ... now back to reality and back to a full 40 hour work week ...
13 hours ago